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  • akalpitasapre@gmail.com
  • Assistant Professor
  • Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

Pecularities of Śara and Vibhīdaka with special reference to Śrauta sacrifices

Author : Akalpita Sapre
Volume : 5
Issue : 2

Usually the grass used as base while setting a sacrificial fire is ‘Kuśa’ and ‘Idhma’ is made from the wood of Palāśa and Khaira trees. However all the Abhicārātamaka Iṣṭis have been prescribed by the Śruti to use ‘Śara’ grass and ‘Vibhīdaka’ wood respectively for these purposes. The Śrauta literature also clearly bans the use of ‘Śara’ and ‘Vibhīdaka’ in any other religious rites. Why are then these prescribed for the Abhicāra? Many scholars explain this prescription based on similarity of lexical terms (Śabdasāmyatva). But do these plants have some specific characteristics that qualify them for being used specifically in these Iṣṭis? This research article tries to delve into this in detail.